1- The colour of light for visibility fog is-
A- Yellow
B- Green
C- Red
D- White
2- A column of length 'L' is pinned at both the end edges. The effective length of the column is-
A- 1L
B- 0.8L
C- 1.2L
D- 2.0L
3- The fore bearing of a line is 260°. The back bearing of this line is-
A- 100°
B- 80°
C- 120°
D- 10°
4- The earth work excavation is calculated in-
A- Linear meter
B- Cubic meter
C- Lump sum
D- Square meter
5-The maximum velocity in open channels occurs -
A- A little below the free surface
B- at the free surface
C- Near the channel bottom
D- At the centre
6-one of the principales of planning is-
A-The plan should not be realistic
B- The plan should be flexible
C-The plan should be fixed
D- The plan should be shallow
7- The type of plastics used for the manufacture of domestic water supply and drainage is-
A- Polystyrene
B- Acrylic
C- High density polyethylene
D- poly vinyl chloride
8-The number of equation to used for finding the resultant of general force system is-
A- 6
B- 4
C- 3
D- 2
9- A beam placed across the opening like doors and windows, is called-
A- Plinth
B- Lintel
C- Joist
D- Loft
10- The valve which is provided in street concerns to control the flow in the distribution system is-
A- scour valve
B- Air valve
C- Reflex valve
D- Sluice Valve
11- In a free body diagram a cable always represent-
A- Compression force
B- shear force
C- Normal force
D- Tensile force
12- Blue baby disease is due to higher concentrations of ____ in drinking water.
A- Nitrate
B- Chlorine
C- Cadmium
D- Mercury
13- _________ days strength is considered to be the criterion for design and is called characteristics strength.
A- 14
B- 26
C- 07
D- 28
14- Carbonation of concrete occurs due to the penetration of-
A- Carbon dioxide
B- Carbon monoxide
C- Water
D- Silicates
15- A sewage consists of liquid wastes originating from latrins, bathroom, kitchen etc. are called-
A- Sanitary sewage
B- Commercial sewage
C- Domestic sewage
D- Combined sewage
16-A geological formation, which not only store water , but also yield it in sufficient quantity is know as an_
A- Aquiclude
B- Aquifer
C- Aquitard
D- Aquifuge
17-which of the following elements,when enhanced, diffuses directly into blood stream and forms carboxyhemoglobin?
A- Cadmium
B- Carbon Monoxide
C- Carbon dioxide
D- Hydrocarbon
18- polymer impregnated concrete is an excellent material for-
A- High rise building
B- Airport Runway
C- Marine and under water application
D- Railway sleeper
19- Blow hole are formed on the surfaces of concrete due to-
A- Hydration of cement
B- Entrapped air or water
C- Upward movement of water
D- Corrosion of Reinforcement
20- If Ly/Lx> 2, the slab is design as-
A- Flat slab
B- One way slab
C- Continuous slab
D- Two way slab
21- The moment of inertia of a rectangle about the centroidal axis about XX having breath 0.4 m and depth 0.6 m is-
A- 32×10^-4 m^4
B- 36×10^-4 m^4
C- 64×10^-4 m^4
D- 72×10^-4 m^4
22-The load which are temporary placed on the structure is-
A- Dead load
B- wind load
C- Earthquake load
D- live load
23- The energy loss in pipe due to-
A- Surface roughness only
B- viscous action only
C- Friction offered by pipe wall
D- viscosity of flow
24- Rubber masonry arch is comparatively-
A- Weak
B- Used in interior work
C- provides good appearance
D- Strong
25- A bond in which the bricks are kept varnan inclination to the direction of the wall, is -
A- Rat trap bond
B- Ranking bond
C- Dutch bond
D- English bond
26- Column whoes slenderness ratio less than 32 are called-
A- short column
B- long column
C- slender column
D- medium size column
27- the longitudinal joint in concrete pavements, are recommended by IRC, is of-
A- Butt type
B- Hinged type
C- Weakened placed type
D- Tongue and GRoove type
28- the quantity of 230mm thickness brickwork wall is estimated in-
A- square meter
B- linear meter
C- cubic meter
D- lump-sum
29- This loading is to be normally adopted for timber bridge is-
A- IRC class B loading
B- IRC Class AA loading
C- IRC class 70R loading
D- IRC class A loading
30- The total load on a shallow foundation is 600KN and the safe bearing capacity of the soil is 200kN/m^2. The area of the footing required, is-
A- 12 m^2
B- 2 m^2
C- 6 m^2
D- 3 m^2
31- A pile is driven in a clay having an average unconfined compressive strength of 140 kN/m^2, the cohesion of soil is-
A- 140 kN/m^2
B- 82 kN/m^2
C- 70 kN/m^2
D- 35 kN/m^2
32- The property of a fluid which determines it's resistance to shearing stress, is called-
A- Density
B- Permeability
C- Viscocity
D- Capillarity
33- For construction the tunnel, the preferred tool to excavate very soft ground, is-
A- Machine Auger
B- Conventional cutter
C- Water jets
D- Hand Auger
34- The section modulus of rectangular section of breadth 200mm and depth 300mm, is-
A- 4.5×10^8 mm^4
B- 1.5×10^6 mm^4
C- 3×10^6 mm^3
D- 9×10^8 mm^4
35- For column, the spacing of longitudinal bars measured along the periphery shall not exceed-
A- 250mm
B- 300mm
C- 100mm
D- 450mm
36- A soil has a liquid limit of 41% and plastic index of 21%. The plastic limit of the soil will be-
A- 15%
B- 25%
C- 10%
D- 20%
37- The number of blows observed in a SPT for diferent penetration depths is given in the figure. The observed N value is-
Penetration Number of
Sample (mm) blows
0-150 10
150-300 18
300-450 22
A- 10
B- 40
C- 50
D- 28
38- which among the following types of section,is used for lightly loaded beams ?
A- l-section
B- Rectangular section
C- welded section
D- Gantry girder
39- The process of retaining water in a basin so that the suspended particles settles down due to gravity, is called-
A- Filtration
B- Disinfection
C- Sedimentation
D- Screening
40- The yield stress divided by the factor of safety is called-
A- Limit stress
B- Permissible stress
C- Elastic stress
D- Ultimate stress
41- The settlement that occurs due to the gradual expulsion of pore water from the void is-
A- Secondary consolidation
B- primary consolidation
C- Immediate settlement
D- Total settlement
42- A special type of irrigation scheme somewhere in between inundation type and permanent type of irrigation, is-
A- terrace irrigation
B- Bandhan irrigation
C- Flow irrigation
D- well irrigation
43- The reclamation process of removing the water from the wet areas is called-
A- Back wash
B- Permeability
C- Drainage
D- Ploughing
44- By using an anallatic lense-
A- the multiplying constant made as 100
B- the additive constant is made as 100
C- the additive constant is made as zero
D- the multiplying constant is made as zero
45- A simply supported beam of 4m length is subjected to a udl of 2 kN/m. The maximum shear force at the support is-
A- 4KN
B- 6KN
C- 8KN
D- 16KN
46-In plane table surveying,the inaccessible point are located by-
A- Resection
B- Intersection
C- Traverse
D- Radiation
47- Orifice as well as mouthpiece are used to measuring the-
A- speed
B- area
C- velocity
D- discharge
48- A foundation where depth is more than the width-
A- shallow foundation
B- deep foundation
C- raft foundation
D- wall foundation
49- The deflection at the free end of a cantilever of length L carrying a point load W at the free end is given by-
B- WL^3/3EI
C- WL^3/6EI
D- WL^2/3EI
50-If the face of walls are not suitably protected from the exposure of heavy rain, they become the sources of-
A- Crack
B- Strength reduction
C- collapse
D- Dampness
51-The natural process, under which of the flowing river water gets cleaned, is known as-
A- Sedimentation
B- Oxidation
C- Self-purification
D- Photosynthesis
52- The suitable layout for a water supply distribution system, for an irregular grown town-
A- Radial system
B- Ring system
C- Dead end system
D- Grid iron system
53-If the depth of neutral axis less than critical neutral axis, the section is-
A- Balanced
B- Over reinforced
C- Under reinforced
D- Doubly reinforced
54- The distance of the centroid of a solid triangle of height h from the base is-
A- h/3
B- h/4
C- 2h/3
D- h/2
55-A bed of sand consists of three horizontal layers of equal thickness. the value for k is 4×10^-3 mm/s, 5×10^-3 mm/s and 6×10^-3 mm/s respectively. The average horizontal permeability is-
A- 15×10-3
B- 5×10^-3
C- 6×10^-3
D- 4×10^-3
56- The concrete produced by using fly ash and alkali activator solution along with aggregate is-
A- Fibre reinforced concrete
B- Geopolymer concrete
C- no fiber concrete
D- Rapid hardening concrete
57- Cleaning of slow sand filters is done by-
A- Scraping and removal of sand
B- Immersing in acid solution
C- Back washing
D- Front washing
58- A quantitative process of determining the fair value of an asset is called-
A- A design
B- A valuation
C- A payment
D- An estimate
59-A bourdon tube pressure gauge is used for measuring-
A- Low pressure
B- High pressure
C- Abnormal pressure
D- High as well as low pressure
60-In chain survey, the are is divided into-
A- Rectangles
B- squares
C- Triangles
D- Hexagons
61- The most common method of wastewater disposal is-
A- Rapid infiltration
B- Evaporation
C- Dilution in surface water
D- Application in irrigation
62- In leveling, the height of instrument is-
A- R.L of B.M + fore sight
B- R.L of B.M + Intermediate sight
C- R.L of B.M - back sight
D- R.L of B.M + back sight
63- ____ is an important property to avoid differential settlement of soil-
A- compressibility
B- Incompressibility
C- Drainage
D- Permeability
64- A portion of precipitation that is not evaporated contributes to-
A- Run off
B- Evaporation
C- Settlement
D- Transpiration
65- A soil element is subjected to minor and major principal stress of 20kPa and 50kPa respectively. The maximum shear stress is-
A- 35kPa
B- 70kPa
C- 30kPa
D- 15kPa
66- An example of blast material-
A- Steel
B- Brick bats
C- Concrete
D- Sized stone of 9 inch
67- The tensile yield strength of a solid E250 (Fe410)/grade steel plate of size 220mm×10mm is-
A- 601KN
B- 820KN
C- 367KN
D- 500KN
68- PCC Stand for pollution Control-
A- centre
B- council
C- corporation
D- committee
69- The material suitable for injection of very fine cracks in concrete, is-
A- Polyurethane
B- Lime mortar
C- Cement mortar
D- Water based Acrylic resin
70- A centrifugal pump impeller having 600mm diameter runs at 1000 r.p.m. the tangential velocity of the impeller is-
A- 31.4 m/sec
B- 62.8 m/sec
C- 314 m/sec
D- 3.14 m/sec
71- Compaction is caused by -
A- long term static load
B- short term dynamic load
C- short term static load
D- long term dynamic load
72- A type of floor finish that is laid in thin layer over concrete topping is-
A-glass flooring
B-glag stone flooring
C- terrazzo flooring
D- tiled flooring
73- the pressure of a liquid on a surface will always act-
A- 45 degree
B- Normal
C- 60 degree
D- parallel
74- the aspect ratio of the fiber is the ration of-
A- volume to area
B- length to diameter
C- diameter to length
D- volume to weight
75- in a direct method of contouring,the process of locating points lying on a contour is called-
A- vertical control
B- horizontal control
C- rangging
D- centering
76-in project management,a critical path is this sequence of dependent tasks that form the -
A- Longest duration
B- Equal duration of two or more paths
C- Average or shortest and longest duration
D- shortest duration
77- _____ are used for counting the number of chains while measuring a chain length-
A- Tapes
B- Cross staff
C- Arrows
D- Ranging rods
78- the marging provided between the top of the dam and high flood level is-
A- Apron
B- Free board
C- Spill way
D- Scour
79- workability of concrete is measured by-
A- Flow table
B- Flexure test
C- Soundness test
D- Compression test
80- If a sheet of paper moistened with lead acetate is held for 5 minutes in a manhole and then the paper turns black, indicate-
A- methane gas
B- hydrogen sulphide gas
C- oxygen
D- carbon dioxide
81- an angle measured clockwise from the proceeding survey line to the following survey line is called-
A- direct angle
B- deflection angle
C- included angle
D- indirect angle
82-the longitudinal shearing stresses balance the variation of _________along the beam.
A- bending stresses
B- tensile stresses
C- bending strains
D- compressive stresses
83- for jointing smaller sewer pipes of diameter less than 0.6m, the preferable joint is-
A- mechanical joint
B- spigot and socket joint
C- collar joint
D- bandage joint
84- the 28 days characteristics compressive strength of M30 grade concrete is-
A- 60MPa
B- 35MPa
C- 45MPa
D- 30MPa
85- the process of compaction of concrete helps to-
A- increase it's volume
B- decrease the strength
C- increase the permeability
D- increase the density
86- effective stress at any point of soil mass-
A- total stress + pore water pressure
B- total stress/pore water pressure
C- total stress - pore water pressure
D- none of these
87- steel is obtained by adding small quantity of ___ to iron-
A- carbon
B- copper
C- alumina
D- silica
88- what is the size of hole when 12 mm diameter bolt are used to connect two plates?
A- 12mm
B- 15mm
C- 13mm
D- 14mm
89- a projecting stone which is usually provided to serve as support for joist is called-
A- Coping
B- Gable
C- Corbel
D- Reveals
90- the purpose of river training is-
A- to reduce the flow speed
B- to increase the flow speed
C- to desilt the channel
D- to stabilise the channel
91- now a day in the remote areas where telecommunication company mobile signals are not available, the communications which huge site area is provided by-
A- personally
B- using transport facility
C- passing through person to person
D- two way radio sets
92- the deviation of the fibers and discontinuous of wood is caused by-
A- pith
B- grain
C- sapwood
D- knots
93- the ultimate bearing capacity of a soil is 270 kN/m^3. what is the net safe bearing capacity,if the factor of safety is 2.5?
A- 116kN/m^2
B- 100kN/m^2
C- 10kn/m^2
D- 108kn/m^2
94- ready mixed concrete technology employs retarders for the purpose of-
A- Increasing the compressibility
B- Retaining the slump
C- Increasing the water cement ratio
D- Increasing the durability
95-the vertical portion of a step providing a support to the tread is-
A- riser
B- going
C- step
D- flight
96- as per IS 456:2000, the maximum free water cement ratio for M20 grade reinforcement cement concrete is-
A- 0.45
B- 0.50
C- 0.55
D- 0.40
97- subterranean termites have their main colonies in-
A- soil and under ground
B- water
C- brick
D- wood
98- for a good quality cement, if you through a handful of cement on a bucket full of water-
A- the particles float some time and than sink
B- the particles should sink immediately
C- sink immediately and than float
D- neither sink nor float
99- finishing of masonry mortar joint is called-
A- pointing
B- water proofing
C- plastering
D- painting
100- snowcem is a _____ paint.
A- Cellulose
B- Plastic emulsion
C- Synthetic enamel
D- Cement
Answer key: 1-A,2-A,3-B,4-B,5-A,6-B,7-D,8-C,9-B,10-D,11-D,12-A,13-D,14-A,15-C,16-B,17-B,18-C,19-B, 20-B, 21-D,22-D,23-C,24-A,25-B,26-A,27-A,28-C,29-A,30-D,31-C,32-C,33-C,34-C,35-B,36-D,37-B,38-B, 39-C,40-B,41-B,42-B,43-C,44-C,45-A,46-B,47-D,48-B,49-B,50-D,51-C,52-C,53-C,54-A,55-B,56-B, 57-A,58-B,59-D,60-C,61-C,62-D,63-B,64-A,65-D, 66-B,67-D,68-D,69-D,70-A,71-B,72-C,73-B,74-B,75-A,76-A,77-C,78-B,79-A,80-B,81-A,82-A,83-B,84-D,85-D,86-C,87-A,88-C,89-C,90-D,91-D,92-C,93-B,94-B,95-A,96-C,97-A,98-A,99-A,100-D
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