1- the portion of a brick cut across the width wise-
A- sill
B- bat
C- jamb
D- gable
2- condition in which double reinforcement beam is provided-
A- B.M>M.O.R
B- M.O.R>B.M
C- M.O.R=B.M
D- all above
3- the minimum diameter used in stirrups is-
A- 8mm
B- 10mm
C- 6mm
D- 12mm
4- load bearing capacity of 2nd class bricks are-
A- 105 MPa
B- 75 MPa
C- 62 MPa
D- 30 MPa
5- effective depth of cantilever slab is-
A- L/10
B- L/25
C- L/30
D- L/20
6-In a stadia techometry, the additive constant value zero is, if-
A- optical lens used
B- internal focusing lens used
C- anallatic lens used
D- A&B both
7- In a closed traverse, the difference of right hand angle & left hand angle is
A- 180°
B- 120°
C- 270°
D- 360°
8- how much %age of carbon used in high tension steel-
A- 0.25%
B- 1.5%
C- 0.8%
D- 2%
9- which is more elastic in nature-
A- rubber
B- steel
C- gold
D- silver
10- what is correct unit of kinematic viscosity-
A- N-s/m2
B- poise
C- stoke
D- N/m2
11- weight of rail section if gauge used as meter gauge-
A- 52 kg/m
B- 25 kg/m
C- 73.2 kg/m
D- 37.2 kg/m
12- standard concrete grade is-
A- M20
B- M30
C- M15
D- M60
13- uper bent length of bent up bar is-
A- L/7
B- L/8
C- L/10
D- L/5
14-speed of train is directly proportion to-
A- length of rail
B- gauge of rail
C- A&B both
D- non of these
15-if the temperature is increased, the viscosity of gas will be-
A- incresed
B- decreased
C- remain same
D- first increase than decrease
16- in a slab shorted and longer span ratio is equal to two, slab is
A- one way
B- two way
C- flat slab
D- grid slab
17- the maximum speed for low cost road in rural area-
A- 32 km/h
B- 38 km/h
C- 45 km/h
D- 60 km/h
18- how long was Indian first railway track-
A- 32 km
B- 20 km
C- 34 km
D- 24 km
19- what condition is true for ogee-shapped weir-
A- b>H/2
B- b<H/2
C- b=H/2
D- all above
20- theodolite which is widely used-
A- Transit
B- vernier
C- micrometer
D- above all
21- if the high values of contour interval out side the bend-
A- ridge line
B- valley
C- hill
D- depression
22- compass is working on
A- triangulation method
B- resection method
C- traverse method
D- above all
23- L-see, X-see operation is related to-
A- Leveling
B- Techometry
C- plane tabling
D- non of these
24- scale of chord is used in-
A- length measurement
B- angle measurement
C- bearing measurement
D- all above
25- size of theodolite depending on-
A- clamping screw of lower plate
B- dia of graduated circle of lower plate
C- upper vernier plate
D- non of these
26- the dia of rivet calculate by unwin's formula in-
A- cm
B- mm
C- m
D- all above
27- permissible stress in bending is-
A- 0.6fy
B- 0.66fy
C- 0.75fy
D- 0.06fy
28-if τ = c+μ(dv/dy) the fluid is
A- Newtonian
B- Non-Newtonian
C- plastic
D- elastic
29- longest expressway of india is-
A- Greenfield expressway
B- Purwanchal expressway
C- Delhi-Locknow expressway
D- Mathura expressway
30- if the magnitude of earthquake is above 6, the earthquake is-
A- moderate
B- stong
C- major
D- great
Answer key- 1-B,2-A,3-C,4-B,5-A,6-C,7-D,8-C,9-B,10-C,11-D,12-B,13-C,14-B,15-A,16-B,17-A,18-C,19-B,20-A,21-B,22-C,23-A,24-B,25-B,26-B,27-B,28-C,29-B,30-B
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