1- A horizontal angle made by a survey line with meridian is known as-
A- fore bearing
B- back bearing
C- bearing of line
D- magnetic bearing
2- A simply supported rectangular beam having total load is 300kN, if the total stress on beam is 10N/mm2 and width of beam is 200mm. What is depth of beam-
A- 300mm
B- 150mm
C- 100mm
D- 250mm
3- the most efficient method for volume calculation is-
A- prismoidal method
B- trapezoidal method
C- average ordinate method
D- transit method
4- if the point is inaccessible, the method of surveying is known as-
A- Radiation
B- Intersection
C- Traversing
D- Resection
5- the value of maximum exit gradient is-
A- head loss / seepage length
B- hydraulic gradient / F.O.S
C- critical hydraulic gradient / F.O.S
D- hydraulic gradient × unit weight of water
6- Reynod no value for laminar flow is-
A- Greater than 2000
B- Less than 2000
C- Greater than 4000
D- Less than 4000
7- A rod having diameter is 2cm and the overall length is 4m. If the normal stress on rod is 314 kN/m2, than the load vaule per meter in newton is-
A- 1000 N
B- 0.001 N
C- 0.01 N
D- 1 N
8- water cement ratio for M30 grade in very serve condition is-
A- 0.45
B- 0.40
C- 0.55
D- 0.60
9- Vane test is perform for-
A- stadia techometry constant
B- resisting moment of soil
C- balancing the traverse
D- shearing strength of soil
10- the value of magnetic dip in equator is-
A- 0°
B- 30°
C- 90°
D- 180°
11- if the coefficient of uniformity is less than 4, the soil is-
A- uniform soil
B- well graded soil
C- non uniform soil
D- all above
12- maximum shear stress in circular beam is expressed by-
A- 4/3×normal shear stress
B- 3/4×normal shear stress
C- 3/2×normal shear stress
D- 2/3×normal shear stress
13- if the span of truss is varies from 8 to 12m, the suitable trus is-
A- bel-fast
B- queen post
C- king post
D- roof post
14- Rankine's axial compressive load formula is used for-
A- short column
B- long column
C- intermediate column
D- all above
15- the ration of length to depth for simply supported slab if bar is used HYSD bars-
A- 35
B- 40
C- 28
D- 32
16- water required for soundness test performance of cement is-
A- 0.85P
B- 0.87P
C- 0.91P
D- 1.85P
Here P= normal Consistency
17- size of Ao drawing sheet is-
A- 420mm×594mm
B- 841mm×1189mm
C- 594mm×841mm
D- 700mm×350mm
18- the specific gravity of good building stone varies from-
A- 3.15 to 4.89
B- 4.75 to 4.89
C- 2.4 to 2.8
D- 1.3 to 2.4
19- Pyconometer test is perform for-
A- hydraulic conduct
B- water content
C- specific gravity
D- all above
20- minimum days of curing required for blended cement is-
A- 7 days
B- 10 days
C- 14 days
D- 28 days
21- clinometer is used for-
A- area measurement
B- angle measurement
C- topographic elevation
D- all above
22- Bourdon tube is made of-
A- Bronze & steel alloy
B- Nickle & steel alloy
C- Zinc & nickle alloy
D- Copper & zinc
23- Rails which is not used by indian railway-
A- Bull headed
B- Double headed
C- Flat footed
D- non of these
24- if the magnetic bearing of a line is 110° east and the declination value is 3°5', value of Azimuth bearing is ?
A- 106°55'
B- 290°5'
C- 113°5'
D- 183°5'
25- loading rate for crushing strength value of stone or brick is-
A- 14 N/mm2
B- 24 N/mm2
C- 105 N/mm2
D- 75 N/mm2
26- if the compaction test value is greater than 0.92, the concrete workability is-
A- very low
B- low
C- moderate
D- high
27- pigment is used in the paint for the purpose of-
A- increse viscosity
B- spread easily
C- colour reasons
D- all above
28- gypsum add in cement-
A- To increase the setting time
B- To decrease the setting time
C- as an accelerator
D- To improve cementing properties
29-header and stretcher course of bricks laying is know-
A- Flamish bond
B- English bond
C- Header bond
D- non of these
30- the suitable material for paint which is used as thinner-
A- neptha
B- terpentine
C- A&B both
D- alcohol
Answer key:- 1-C,2-B,3-A,4-B,5-C,6-B,7-A,8-A,9-D,10-A,11-A,12-A,13-B,14-D,15-C,16-B,17-B,18-C,19-D, 20-C,21-B,22-A,23-B,24-C,25-A,26-D,27-C,28-A,29-B,30-C
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