1-Algebraic sum of latitude and departure in a closed traversing is equal to-
A- 180°
B- 0
C- 90°
D- 360°
2- value of creep coefficient when the age of loading is 28 day
A- 2.2
B- 1.6
C- 1.2
D- 1.1
3-the active part of in the growth of tree is-
A- pith
B- cambium
C- heart wood
D- sap wood
4-the minimum number of fish plate required to connecting two rails-
A- 2
B- 4
C- 6
D- 5
5-if a vehicle moving with 30 km/h speed, what will be safe stopping distance-
A- 20m
B- 30m
C- 40m
D- 50m
6-the right example of stream line flow is-
A- river flow
B- pipe flow
C- blood flow
D- open channel flow
7-life of cast iron sleeper is-
A- 10-12 years
B- 20-30 years
C- 30-40 years
D- 35-50 years
8- Vignoles rails also known as-
A- flat footed
B- bull headed
C- double headed
D- trunk route
9- what is the density of road per 100 Km2 as per IRC in third road plan?
A- 16 Km2
B- 20 Km2
C- 32 Km2
D- 82 Km2
10- formula used for versin curve is-
A- 2.7V^2/R
B- V^2/24R
C- V^2/8R
D- V^2/R
11-value of direct stress for M15 grade is-
A- 5 MPa
B- 4 MPa
C- 7 MPa
D- 6 MPa
12- cover provided in footing is-
A- 40mm
B- 50mm
C- 45mm
D- 25mm
13-if the value of degree of saturation is 1, air content will be-
B- 1
C- 2
D- 4
14- what is the value of fixed end moment when beam loaded with central point load-
A- wl/4
B- wl/12
C- wl/8
D- wl^2/12
15- a bar having diameter 10 mm, what will be hook length of bar if used as stirrup bar?
A- 75mm
B- 90mm
C- 50mm
D- 95mm
16- maximum reinforced %age provide in columns is
A- 0.8
B- 1.8
C- 3.5
D- 6
17- if a column restrained both end, than unsupported length is not exceed to its least lateral dimension-
A- 25 times
B- 35 times
C- 60 times
D- 50 times
18- length (cm) of simple alidade various from
A- 40-50
B- 50-60
C- 60-70
D- 20-30
19- In the bricks, maximum water adsorption not exceed by the weight of brick-
A- 20%
B- 15%
C- 30%
D- 25%
20- 1 hectares is equal to
A- 10m
B- 100m
C- 1000m
D- 0.01m
21- spike is used in-
A- with bearing plate
B- without bearing plate
C- A & B both
D- near to joint
22- the minimum distance of rivet hole from edge with machine cutting-
A- 1.5d
B- 1.7d
C- 1.8d
D- 2.0d
23- maximum permissible shear stress in limite state-
A- 0.16√fck
B- 0.7√fck
C- 0.25√fck
D- 0.5√fck
24- Mustard is the crop of-
A- Ravi
B- Kharif
C- non seasonal
D- non of these
25- the B.M of R.L is 225m and the first reading of R.L is 65m. if the station changed in 125m, the next R.L is-
A- 160m
B- 190m
C- 165m
D- 150m
26- A simple supported beam, the value of shear for at which bending moment is maximum-
A- maximum
B- zero
C- minimum
D- first increase than decrease
27- what is amount of water in per 50kg bag cement if we are using 20mm aggregate for construction-
A- 208 kg
B- 186 kg
C- 165 kg
D- 60 kg
28- Diaphragm gauge is use for-
A- low pressure
B- high pressure
C- A&B both
D- not used in pressure measurement
29- water is not used in construction if pH is-
A- below 6
B- above 6
C- below 7
D- above 7
30- instrument used in plane table for vertical as well horizontal measurements is-
A- telscopic alidade
B- trough compass
C- plain alidade
D- vertical measurement is not possible
Answer Key- A-B,2-B,3-D,4-B,5-B,6-C,7-D,8-A,9-D,10-C,11-B,12-B,13-A,14-C,15-A,16-D,17-C,18-B,19-A,20-B,21-C,22-B,23-C,24-A,25-C,26-B,27-B,28-A,29-A,30-A
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