1- Quantitative earthquake measurements done by ?
A- F.Omeri's
D- Richter's
E- All above
2- earthquake center on earth surface is called ?
A- Focus
B- Pith
C- Epicenter
D- Focal
3- Reason to provide Built-up Beam ?
A- M.O.R > B.M
B- B.M > M.O.R
C- M.O.R = B.M
D- All Above
4- What is the error in triangular Notch ?
A- 5dh/2h
B- 2dh/5h
C- 3dh/2h
D- 2dh/3h
5- In which beam point of contrafluxure never act ?
A- Propped Cantilever
B- Cantilever Beam
C- Simply Supported
D- fixed Beam
E- Overhang Beam
6- what's the correct relationship b/w E,G,K and 1/m
A- E= 3G(1-2/m)
B- E= 2K(1-1/m)
C- E= 3k(1-1/m)
D- E= 2G(1+1/m)
7- Least count of Optical Theodolite in favour of degree is ?
A- 20 sec.
B- 1 sec.
C- 15 sec.
D- 5 sec.
8- what is correct error in Auto level ?
A- E= C√mi
B- E= C√k
C- E= C√f
D- Non of these
9- Relationsh b/w Bouyent unit weight and Critical hydraulic gradient is ?
A- Ysub = Yw×Ic
B- Ysub = Yd×Ic
C- Ysub = Ic×Ac
D- Ysub = Yd×I
10- In case of True Bearing, The Declination value in west direction is ?
A- positive
B- Negative
C- both A&B
D- Assumed
11- In closed traverse the first error in bearing is defined as ?
A- 2e/N
B- e/N
C- e
D- non of these
12- volume of water to volume of void defined ?
A- Void ratio
B- Air Voids
C- water content
D- degree of saturation
13- A soil scrambled in the layer of 3mm called ?
A- plastic
B- Elastic
C- Dustile
D- Density Index
14- What is the minimum width of Nation Highway recommend ?
A- 3.7m
B- 5.7m
C- 7.5m
D- 4m
15- Administration of Motor vehicle act stable in the year ?
A- 1939
B- 1950
C- 1988
D- 1989
16- in open traverse the some of excluded angles is ?
A- (2n+4)90°
B- (2n-4)90°
C- (2n-3)90°
D- non of these
17- a simply supported beam carrying udl on entire span, what is the value of deflection?
A- WL^2/3EI
B- WL^4/48EI
C- 5WL^4/384EI
D- 5WL^3/24EI
18- What is I.R.C Imprical Formula for Mount Road ?
A- L=2.7V^2/R
B- L= V^2/R
C- L= V^2/127R
D- L= V^2/gR
19- A line Fore Bearing is N45°40'E, what is the Back Bearing or line ?
A- N225°40'E
B- S45°40'W
C- 45°40'
D- non of these
20- camber slop for concrete pavement is ?
A- 2.5% to 2%
B- 2 % to 1.7%
C- 1.7% to 1%
D- 1% to 0.5%
21- Compressibility of soil measured by ?
A- Hydrometer
B- Oedometer
C- Fathometer
D- Current meter
22- Standard gauge of indian railway is?
A- Broad gauge
B- Meter gauge
C- Narrow gauge
D- A&C both
23- Weight of meter gauge for trunk route is ?
A- 52 kg/m
B- 37.2 kg/m
C- 15 kg/m
D- 64 kg/m
24- gauge who used in calibration ?
A- Bourden gauge
B- Meter gauge
C- Diaphragm gauge
D- Dead weight gauge
25- In notch discharge relatively more from ?
A- Vanturimeter
B- weir
C- piezometer
D- Orifice
26- 1kg is equal to -
A- 2.2035 pond
B- 22.035 pond
C- 21.530 pond
D- 5.77 pond
27- contour interval meet at right angle, is called-
A- perimeters
B- Ridge
C- prismoidal
D- non of these
28- what is relation b/w radius and degree for 20m chord ?
A- R = 1719/D
B- R = 1144/D
C- R = 1720/D
D- R = 1146/D
29- A soil fully dry, satisfied by-
A= Vw =Vv
B= Vv =0
C- S= 1
D- Ac=0
30- what is the creep value for concrete in 28 days ?
A- 2.2
B- 1.6
C- 1
D- 0
31- In a levelling, both angle are elevated than the distance b/w object and instrument is ?
A- D = S/ (tan¢1-tan¢2)
B- D = S.tan¢2/ (tan¢1-tan¢2)
C- D = S/ (tan¢1 + tan¢2)
D- non of these
32- In the inaccessible objects, plane tabling done by ?
A- Radiation
B- Intersection
C- Traversing
D- Resection
33- the minimum size of clay particle is ?
A- 0.0002mm
B- 0.002mm
C- 0.06mm
D- 0.075mm
34- Amount of water required for soundness test of cement is-
A- 0.85×normal consistency
B- (normal consistency/4)+3
C- 0.87×normal consistency
D- 25% of cement sample
35- in the map a line is 0.25mm drawn. In map shown the scale 1 in 10000, what is actual distance in the field?
A- 25m
36- A fixed end beam having udl on entire beam, what is the value of maximum bending moment?
A- wl^2/12
B- wl^2/8
C- wl^2/4
D- wl/4
37- Joist beam is -
A- Girder beam
B- floor beam
C- truss beam
D- built-up beam
38- Bourden gauge for high pressure is made by-
A- Bronze
B- nickel steel
C- iron steel
D- steel alloy
39- shear strength of soil measured by-
A- Vane test
B- Proctor test
C- permeameter
D- penetration test
40- C.G.S unit of kinematic viscosity is-
A- m^2/sec
B- Stoke
C- Poise
D- jule
41- Soil which is transported by wind is called
A- drift
B- till
C- loes
D- Talus
42- the reduce bearing of a line is N60°0'W, what is the value of W.C.B ?
A- 60°
B- 300°
C- 140°
D- 240°
43- Euler's buckling load formula not work for mild steel column, if-
A- slenderness ration above 80
B- slenderness ration above 120
C- slenderness ration less than 32
D- slenderness ration less than 80
44- In banzin's formula, discharge is directly proportional to-
A- H^2/3
B- H^3/2
C- H^2/5
D- H^5/2
45- Coefficient of permeability and viscosity relation -
A- Directly proportional
B- Inversely proportional
C- A&B both
D- No relation
46- Increasing order of internal angle of fraction is-
A- Dense grained>loose grained>clay
B- Clay>dense grained>loose grained
C- loose grained>clay>dense grained
D- all above
47- Co-efficient of curvature is-
A- D30sq / D60-D10
B- D30 / D60×D10
C- D30sq / D60×D10
D- D60/D10
48- link length of gunter's chain is-
A- 2.06 foot
B- 0.66 foot
C- 1 foot
D- non of these
49- Active earth pressure is directly proportional to-
A- tan^2(45°+ ¢/2)
B- tan^2(45°- ¢/2)
C- cot^2(45°+ ¢/2)
D- cot^2(45°- ¢/2)
50- most accurate staff is-
A- franch staff
B- open staff
C- closed staff
D- stadia staff
Answer key:- 1-D,2-C,3-B,4-A,5-B,6-D,7-B,8-B,9-A,10-B,11-B,12-D,13-A,14-B,15-C,16-B,17-C,18-B,19-B,20-B,21-B,22-A,23-B,24-D,25-D'26-A'27-B,28-D,29-B,30-B,31-A,32-B,33-B,34-C,35-B,36-A,37-B,38-B,39-A,40-B,41-C,42-B,43-D,44-B,45-B,46-A,47-C,48-B,49-C,50-B